The Blog

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Presentation - Redwood City Nov. 17

Just in case you may be in the area, I have another presentation set up for Wednesday the 17th in Redwood City.  The focus of the talk will be half about the trip and the other half about how electric bikes can fit into the palette of choices people can look at for transportation in this area.  Selling sustainability as a motivator for behavior change is not easy.  Many people understand and agree that sustainable behavior is important but when it comes around to changing behavior (getting out of the car and onto an electric bike), sustainability does not have enough immediate appeal to get people to change their behavior.  So my talk will emphasis the fun and convenience  of electric bikes.  Since being home, I am using my electric bike to run errands and to visit people within a 15 mile radius and I find that I have fun, get exercise and spend maybe an extra 10 or 15 minutes traveling on the longer trips. Not having to deal with parking, long traffic lines waiting for lights to change and 2,000 pounds of car to navigate is a delight!

Event Details

            Redwood City Verde Talks - A Green Education & Mixer Series
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
6:30-8 PM
Redwood City City Hall, 1017 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063

6:30-7PM: Mixer

7-8PM: Intro, Talk (30 mins), Q&A (20 mins), Close
Hope to see you there,

Front hub motor on sister Catherine's Cannondale Recumbent