After many phone calls and political decisions about how to best deal with the OHM bicycle, we agreed to send the OHM back to the manufacturer and pick up the long tail bike that had been the original idea for a third electric bike prior to OHM's offer to supply us with their bike. We are still not sure what went wrong and we don't have the time or expertise to troubleshoot and solve the problem.
Michael met Sean, Dave and John near Los Banos where they traded the Surley for the OHM. Michael also gave a ride home to John who was feeling pressure from both home and work to get back to Marin. He had a good three days of riding and I think he had a good time. We are sorry to see him go.
Catherine and I left the RV Park we stayed at around 9 and headed off on a route planned by Sean on his IPhone. We spent most of the day on flat straight roads with no traffic riding next to each other talking about and solving all the world's problems. We went 87 miles for a new record and did it all with only two batteries each. We drove under 20mph most of the day and we had very nice tailwinds most of the day.
When we arrived in Wasco around 4, we were very ready to stop. We got ice cream which tasted amazing and asked about campgrounds or RV parks. Nothing.
We then went to the local fire station on the advice of a woman a few days ago who suggested that we crash try to find lodging with the firemen. Well, it worked. Our tent is set up on a little patch of lawn in front of our van is parked along a cinderblock wall.
We expect to hear a lot of sirens tonight but the price is right and the fireman are very sweet. I left them with some of our samples of our bio-based lubricants and cleaners that we brought with us from Wise Solutions and they seemed very interested since they do a lot of cleaning and lubricating.
We had a great space to spread out all of our stuff and so we took the opportunity to reorganize a lot of our stuff. A real gem of a day!!
Catherine and Oliver taking a Central Valley break
Wyatt trying to hitch a ride to Wasco with us.
Bikes and wind going the same direction. A beautiful site!!
Coking at the Wasco Firehouse
We love firemen!!
Dave mixing it up with batteries, bikes, trailers and his computer
Catherine watching the firemen take off.